Dressing For Bike Week

The coolest thing ever about WordPress is that I get to see what is being googled and how they land on my page.  One of the blog titles on my list was “What to wear for a bike event.”  With bike weeks all over the nation coming up I have found that even though I have not written the blog, the search term “What to Wear for Bike Week” is landing ladies on my page.  So I thought I had better get this thing out there.

What to wear during bike week is going to depend on a lot of different aspects, one of them being who YOU are, where your going and most of all the weather.  Due to the search term I am going off of the premise that this is your first big bike event, and that we are talking about the Arizona or Laughlin Events.

The first event coming up locally is Arizona Bike week. I did attend this event last year. The weather should be nice and warm hopefully not too hot.

First you have to be who YOU are as a woman.  However, might I suggest NOT wearing a fish net body stocking with electrical tape covering your nipples…. yes I have seen this, and NO it was not pretty…

Wear what is comfortable for you.  Of course jeans; again make sure they are not super tight; you don’t want them binding you in the hip and crotch area while on your long journey.  I see ladies riding in shorts, I say NO!  There is too much road debris, not to mention hot pipes. NO… NO… NO…! And if your dude cares at all about you, he will not LET you ride like this, no matter how hot he thinks you are.

Riding boots. Make sure that you have a good comfortable pair of boots for your trip.  I suggest a pair that comes over the ankle.  Knee high boots will be too hot for the trip.  You need to stay cool!

Wear fabrics that breath, and nothing is better than cotton.  For the actual ride to your event you will have to decide how you are going to start off. If you are leaving in the morning, you may need to layer up and remove items as you get into the warmer climate. Keep it simple with items that mix and match.

For Arizona Bike Week, the heaviest item I took was a hoodie and I don’t think I ever wore it.

Dressing for the events and rides, I wore what I always wear.  Cotton tanks, comfortable jeans, my Ariat riding boots, fingerless gloves, and ALWAYS a bandanna covering my face, and one for my head.

For an evening out  I did take a pair of sandal wedges.  Our ride to the event was just about a mile away; otherwise I would NEVER ride without boots.  But wedges are a good choice, as they are comfy and sturdy for walking around in.  Another option is to take sandals with you and change into them when you get to the event. The ABW event location is all black top with the exception of the concert location which is grass, which I like because it eliminates the dirt and dust factor.

For evening concerts and the event I took a halter top,  pretty basic and simple but nicer for the evening, but still able to wear with my jeans.

Deciding to take leather with you is up to you.  If it is something you want to wear on the ride for safety reasons then you should do it. The most important thing is that YOU are comfortable and feel safe.  For me, I skip it.

How I Roll

You are going to see women in an array of dress… and undress.  How you see me dressed in any one of my videos or photos is how I roll, period.  Nothing fancy, but always put together, and most of all respectful of my man. So if you choose to wear a bikini top with your boots and jeans while you cruise your event… PLEASE, have a smokin’ body!

3 responses to “Dressing For Bike Week

  1. Pingback: You Googled What? « Stories, Lies & Biker Dives By IEDarla~

  2. Ryder says no riding for me in shorts, skirts or sandals…that’s usual my summer gear. It makes a lot of sense. I’m not a fan of jeans in the summer but I guess this year I will be. I’m sure I can sneak a pair of sandals in our bag. 🙂


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